In this assignment, you will get some hands-on experience with logic. You'll see how logic can be used to represent the meaning of natural language sentences, and how it can be used to solve puzzles and prove theorems. Most of this assignment will be translating English into logical formulas, but in Problem 4, we will delve into the mechanics of logical inference.
To get started, launch a Python shell and try typing the following commands to add logical expressions into the knowledge base.
from logic import * Rain = Atom('Rain') # Shortcut Wet = Atom('Wet') # Shortcut kb = createResolutionKB() # Create the knowledge base kb.ask(Wet) # Prints "I don't know." kb.ask(Not(Wet)) # Prints "I don't know." kb.tell(Implies(Rain, Wet)) # Prints "I learned something." kb.ask(Wet) # Prints "I don't know." kb.tell(Rain) # Prints "I learned something." kb.tell(Wet) # Prints "I already knew that." kb.ask(Wet) # Prints "Yes." kb.ask(Not(Wet)) # Prints "No." kb.tell(Not(Wet)) # Prints "I don't buy that."To print out the contents of the knowledge base, you can call
For the example above, you get:
==== Knowledge base [3 derivations] === * Or(Not(Rain),Wet) * Rain - WetIn the output, '*' means the fact was explicitly added by the user, and '-' means that it was inferred. Here is a table that describes how logical formulas are represented in code. Use it as a reference guide:
Name | Mathematical notation | Code |
Constant symbol | $\text{stanford}$ | Constant('stanford') (must be lowercase) |
Variable symbol | $x$ | Variable('$x') (must be lowercase) |
Atomic formula (atom) | $\text{Rain}$ $\text{LocatedIn}(\text{stanford}, x)$ |
Atom('Rain') (predicate must be uppercase)Atom('LocatedIn', 'stanford', '$x') (arguments are symbols) |
Negation | $\neg \text{Rain}$ | Not(Atom('Rain')) |
Conjunction | $\text{Rain} \wedge \text{Snow}$ | And(Atom('Rain'), Atom('Snow')) |
Disjunction | $\text{Rain} \vee \text{Snow}$ | Or(Atom('Rain'), Atom('Snow')) |
Implication | $\text{Rain} \to \text{Wet}$ | Implies(Atom('Rain'), Atom('Wet')) |
Equivalence | $\text{Rain} \leftrightarrow \text{Wet}$ (syntactic sugar for $\text{Rain} \to \text{Wet} \wedge \text{Wet} \to \text{Rain}$) | Equiv(Atom('Rain'), Atom('Wet')) |
Existential quantification | $\exists x . \text{LocatedIn}(\text{stanford}, x)$ | Exists('$x', Atom('LocatedIn', 'stanford', '$x')) |
Universal quantification | $\forall x . \text{MadeOfAtoms}(x)$ | Forall('$x', Atom('MadeOfAtoms', '$x')) |
The operations And
and Or
only take two arguments.
If we want to take a conjunction or disjunction of more than two, use AndList
and OrList
For example:
AndList([Atom('A'), Atom('B'), Atom('C')])
is equivalent to And(And(Atom('A'), Atom('B')), Atom('C'))
Write a propositional logic formula for each of the following English
sentences in the given function in
For example, if the sentence is "If it is raining, it is wet,"
then you would write Implies(Atom('Rain'), Atom('Wet'))
, which
would be $\text{Rain} \to \text{Wet}$ in symbols (see
Note: Don't forget to return the constructed formula!
You can run the following command to test each formula:
python 1aIf your formula is wrong, then the grader will provide a counterexample, which is a model that your formula and the correct formula don't agree on. For example, if you accidentally wrote
And(Atom('Rain'), Atom('Wet'))
for "If it is raining, it is wet,", then the grader would output the
Your formula (And(Rain,Wet)) says the following model is FALSE, but it should be TRUE: * Rain = False * Wet = True * (other atoms if any) = FalseIn this model, it's not raining and it is wet, which satisfies the correct formula $\text{Rain} \to \text{Wet}$ (TRUE), but does not satisfy the incorrect formula $\text{Rain} \wedge \text{Wet}$ (FALSE). Use these counterexamples to guide you in the rest of the assignment.
Write a first-order logic formula for each of the following English
sentences in the given function in
For example, if the sentence is "There is a light that shines,"
then you would write Exists('$x', And(Atom('Light', '$x'), Atom('Shines', '$x')))
which would be $\exists x . \text{Light}(x) \wedge \text{Shines}(x)$ in
symbols (see
Tip: Python tuples can span multiple lines, which help with readability when you are writing logic expressions (some of them in this homework can get quite large)
Note: You do NOT have to enforce that the mother is a "person".
Note: You do NOT have to enforce that the child is a "person".
in terms of Female(x)
and Child(x,y)
in terms of Female(x)
and Parent(x,y)
.Note: It is ok for a person to be her own parent.
Someone crashed the server, and accusations are flying. For this problem, we will encode the evidence in first-order logic formulas to find out who crashed the server. You've narrowed it down to four suspects: John, Susan, Mark, and Nicole. You have the following information:
to return a list of 6 formulas, one for each of the above facts. Be sure your formulas are exactly in the order specified.
python 3a-0 python 3a-1 python 3a-2 python 3a-3 python 3a-4 python 3a-5 python 3a-all # Tests the conjunction of all the formulasTo solve the puzzle and find the answer,
the formulas to the knowledge base and
the query CrashedServer('$x')
, by running:
python 3a-run
Having obtained some intuition on how to construct formulas, we will now perform logical inference to derive new formulas from old ones. Recall that:
Hint: You may use the fact that $P \to Q$ is equivalent $\neg P \vee Q$.
Remember, this isn't about you as a human being able to arrive at the conclusion, but rather about the rote application of a small set of transformations (which a computer could execute).
In this problem, we will see how to use logic to automatically prove mathematical theorems. We will focus on encoding the theorem and leave the proving part to the logical inference algorithm. Here is the theorem:
If the following constraints hold:Note: in this problem, "larger than" is just an arbitrary relation, and you should not assume it has any prior meaning. In other words, don't assume things like "a number can't be larger than itself" unless explicitly stated.
to construct 6 formulas for
each of the constraints. The consequence has been filled out for you
in the code). Be sure your formulas are exactly in the order specified.
You can test your code using the following commands:
python 5a-0 python 5a-1 python 5a-2 python 5a-3 python 5a-4 python 5a-5 python 5a-all # Tests the conjunction of all the formulasTo finally prove the theorem,
the formulas to the knowledge base and
the query by running model checking (on a finite model):
python 5a-run
Semantic parsing is the task of converting natural lanugage utterances into first-order logic formulas.
We have created a small set of grammar rules in the code for you in
In this problem, you will add additional grammar rules to handle a wider variety of sentences.
Specifically, create a GrammarRule
for each of the following sentence structures.
$Clause ← every $Noun $Verb some $Noun
$Clause ← there is some $Noun that every $Noun $Verb
$Clause ← if a $Noun $Verb a $Noun then the former $Verb the latter
For example:
$ python > Every person likes some cat. >>>>> I learned something. ------------------------------ > Every cat is a mammal. >>>>> I learned something. ------------------------------ > Every person likes some mammal? >>>>> Yes.