
This page shows the list of all the modules, which will be updated as the class progresses. There are three types of modules:
  • [date]: It was covered in class, and you are responsible for the material.
  • offline: It was not covered in class, but you are responsible for the material.
  • optional: It was not covered in class, and you are not responsible for the material.
Sep 27Course contentWhat are we covering in this course?
Sep 27AI HistoryThree histories of AI (logical, neural, statistical).
Sep 27Ethics and responsibilityHow should we think about the societal impacts of AI?
offlineLinear algebraVectors, dot products, geometric interpretations.
offlineVector calculusTaking gradients.
offlineProbability 1Discrete random variables and probability distributions, mean, variance (from Khan Academy).
offlineProbability 2Marginal and conditional distributions (from Khan Academy).
offlineComplexityBasic big-Oh notation, complexity.
offlineOptimizationContinuous optimization, objective functions, gradient descent.
offlinePythonTutorial on using Python for this course.
Machine learning
Oct 2OverviewOverview of machine learning.
Oct 2Linear regressionLinear regression (with loss minimization and gradient descent).
Oct 2Linear classificationLinear classification (with loss minimization using hinge loss and gradient descent).
offlineStochastic gradient descentStochastic gradient descent.
optionalLearning demoInteractive learning demo for supervised learning and k-means.
Oct 4Group DROHow to ensure more equitable performance.
offlineNon-linear featuresHow to get non-linear functions from linear machinery.
offlineFeature templatesHow to design and organize features.
Oct 4Neural networksIntroduction to neural networks.
Oct 4BackpropagationComputation graphs and backpropagation algorithm for computing gradients.
offlineAlgorithms and distributionEthical frameworks related to how algorithms distribute burdens and benefits.
optionalDifferentiable programmingHow to build larger deep learning models by composition.
Oct 9GeneralizationBasic introduction into generalization.
Oct 9Best practicesBest practices, cross-validation, etc.
Oct 9K-meansK-means algorithm.
Oct 11OverviewGoing from single action to sequences.
Oct 11ModelingDefining search problems.
Oct 11Tree search(Prerequisite) Basic exhaustive search, BFS, DFS.
Oct 11Dynamic programmingRecurrences, practice forming states.
Oct 11Uniform cost searchUniform cost search (UCS).
Oct 11Uniform cost search correctnessProgramming UCS and proving correctness.
offlineExternalities and dual use technologiesExplaining externalities and dual use technologies.
optionalStructured perceptronLearning the costs of a search problem.
offlineA-starSpeeding up UCS with heuristics. Correctness, efficiency, and admissibility.
offlineA-star relaxationsGenerating heuristics using relaxed search problems.
offlineRecapRecap of search.
Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)
Oct 18OverviewMotivating MDPs.
Oct 18ModelingDefining MDPs, Dice game, transportation problem.
Oct 18Policy evaluationPolicy evaluation, discounting factor.
Oct 23Value iterationValue iteration.
Oct 23Reinforcement learningIntroducing to reinforcement learning.
Oct 23Model-based Monte CarloModel-based Monte Carlo.
offlineModel-free Monte CarloModel-free Monte Carlo.
optionalSARSASARSA, Model-free Monte Carlo vs SARSA.
offlineQ-learningQ-learning, on-policy vs off-policy.
offlineEpsilon-greedyEpsilon-greedy exploration.
offlineFunction approximationGeneralization, Function approximation.
offlineRecapRecap of MDPs and reinforcement learning, Deep RL, and applications.
Oct 25OverviewOverview of games.
Oct 25ModelingDefinition of games, Halving game.
Oct 25Game evaluationGiven two policies, what is the value of the game?
Oct 25ExpectimaxFind the optimal agent policy against a fixed (random) opponent policy.
Oct 25MinimaxFind the optimal agent (max) policy against the worst-case (min) opponent policy.
Oct 30ExpectiminimaxMinimax with randomness in the game.
Oct 30Evaluation functionsLimited depth DFS and bottom out with a cheap evaluation function.
Oct 30Alpha beta pruningAlpha-beta pruning to speed up minimax.
optionalAI MisalignmentThe AI Alignment problem, specifically reward hacking and negative side effects.
optionalTD learningTemporal Difference (TD) learning for learning the value function.
optionalSimultaneous gamesTwo players go at the same time, pure and mixed strategies, minimax theorem.
optionalNon-zero-sum gamesPrisoner's Dilemma, Nash equilibria.
Oct 30RecapRecap of games, and applications.
Constraint satisfaction problems
Nov 1OverviewOverview of variable-based models.
Nov 1DefinitionsFactor graphs (variables, factors, assignments, weights).
Nov 1ExamplesExamples of factor graphs.
Nov 6Dynamic orderingBacktracking search, re-order the variables and values.
Nov 6Arc consistencyPrune the domains locally based on factors. AC-3 algorithm to use in the context of exhaustive search.
Nov 6Beam searchApproximate search (pruned BFS).
Nov 6Local searchStart with an assignment and improve each variable greedily.
optionalInference demoInteractive inference demo for factor graphs.
Markov networks
Nov 8OverviewConnect factor graphs with probability.
offlineGibbs samplingGibbs sampling for computing marginal probabilities.
offlineEncoding human valuesEncoding human values in AI systems.
optionalConditional independenceExploit conditional independence in Markov networks (slides only).
Bayesian networks
Nov 8OverviewOverview of Bayesian networks.
Nov 8DefinitionsBayesian networks, properties, explaining away, etc.
offlineProbabilistic programmingView Bayesian networks as a program, whirlwind tour of lots of models.
Nov 13Probabilistic inferenceInference in general Bayesian networks via reduction to Markov networks.
Nov 13Forward-backward algorithmEfficient exact inference algorithm for HMMs.
Nov 13Particle filteringApproximate inference alogrithm for HMMs with large domains.
Nov 15Supervised learningLearning parameters of a Bayesian network when all variables are observed. Maximum likelihood = counting + normalize.
Nov 15SmoothingLaplace smoothing to avoid overfitting.
Nov 15EM algorithmLearning parameters of a Bayesian network when only a subset of variables are observed. Maximum marginal likelihood using EM. Application to decipherment.
Nov 27OverviewMotivation for logic (represent and reason).
Nov 27Propositional logic syntaxSyntax of propositional logic.
Nov 27Propositional logic semanticsSemantics of propositional logic. General concepts such as entailment, contradiction, contingency, Ask/Tell, satisfiability, model checking.
Nov 27Inference rulesSoundness, completeness.
Nov 29Propositional modus ponensModus ponens is sound and complete for propositional logic with Horn clauses.
Nov 29Propositional resolutionResolution is sound and complete for propositional logic. Conversion to Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF).
Nov 29First order logicSyntax and semantics of first-order logic.
offlineFirst order modus ponensModus ponens generalized to first-order logic requires notions of substitution and unification.
optionalFirst order resolutionGeneralizes resolution to first-order logic. Conversion to CNF, Skolem functions.
offlineRecapRecap of logic.